Well it has been quite a while since I last blogged. Like everything and everyone life really does take over and before you know it 2 months have passed us by with a blink of an eye. The Maher household has been quite busy of late, we have had great friends of ours visit from Canberra, hubby has had his 30th birthday bash and amongst all that both of us have been working out of town quite a bit. Hubby has been in Home Hill and I have been about 30km from Greenvale at the Lynd Junction, we are building 21km of road (I am an Project Administrator for Watpac) so don't personally get on the end of the shovel but do all of there paperwork, and boy is there some paperwork sometimes I think it would be easier to get on the end of the shovel or be the stop go girl...
So apart from working non stop and hubby's birthday over I now have time to concentrate on events that I have planned for the next half of the year and one of those events is my 30th Grrrrrrrr. I am slowly accepting that I am not going to be in my 20's for much longer but gosh it's hard. So why not go out with a bang hey, and nothing better than a PARTY. I know I'm a little early (30 in November) but I actually got a little excited yesterday and started on an invitation for myself. I really liked how it turned out but it is missing something off the front and this is where I would like you guys to come in with your creativeness. Can you please help me, I am thinking a sparkly 30 down the bottom corner or party... not quite sure.
Anyway, lovely ladies have to get back to my jobs, going out with my bestie that I haven't seen for about 2 months later today.
Take care and hope to be back here soon.